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Artistic products with Copper

Artistic products with copper

Artistic products with Copper

Painted copper products

The products of the new generation coppersmith are considered to be delicate and beautiful arts of enameling and gilding. They have been depicted by the capable hands of Isfahan artists in the form of products such as tableware, decorative accessories, mirrors, etc.

The beautiful appearance of this category of products comes from the shimmering copper of the infrastructure and the combination of azure blue color with its complementary colors, which is implemented in the role of Shah Abbasi flowers, slim lines, and miniature birds.

All the decorative designs of copper dishes are drawn by artists with mental design and by the hands of artists on copper canvas. then they are painted with handmade colors special for all designs and covered with a special coating to make them durable.

Every time you look at the well-designed copper vases that you have placed in your workplace or home, you will be reminded of the living nature, the clear sky, and the blue sea that are sitting and planted in a corner around you.

The price of these products is calculated according to the time of making the product, the ability of the artist and craftsman, and the amount of copper and raw materials used in it.


Diamond-cut engraved copper products

Diamond-cut engraved copper handicrafts are a group of handcrafted dishes that are known by this name because of carving designs with special pens equipped with diamond tips.

These dishes have production steps similar to penning dishes. however, the difference in the type of tools and some steps has led to completely different and very beautiful and perfect dishes.

Artisans use special pens with diamond tips to engrave designs onto copper dishes, which can be a challenging process due to the unforgiving nature of any mistakes made during engraving. Additionally, the thickness of the copper sheet used is essential to ensure that the dish doesn’t become punctured or hollowed out from the inside.

Engraved dishes on copper can be used in the reception arrangement of stylish houses and you can coordinate them with all kinds of modern and traditional decorations.



Cupped silver copper

Cupped silver copper dishes have created a new art by combining copper and silver. Hundreds of years ago, the art of silver began during the Seljuk period and reached its peak during the Qajar period with the combination of silver and wood. This art started in Tabriz province and today it is practiced in most cities of Iran.

Both silver and copper are valuable and useful metals and have a high material value. If you are interested in buying silver copper, it is better to know that this expensive product is mostly decorative and its quality may decrease with continuous use.

To make a valuable product like silver copper, use a quality sub-work. On top of this, they carve and place the silver on the product, this very beautiful combination has a very high price, so it is better to make sure that the silver on the product is original when buying silver copper dishes.


Read more about Hand engraving on copper in our blog!

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